In the framework of "Fantazia Festival"
Screening of "Bloki" and Debate with Movie Director (Poland):
The story of the gigantic apartment complexes, known as Bloki, built under the Communist rule. These reviled blocks were home to thousands of people. The architects of these buildings talk about how the blocks came about, while residents explain how they shaped their lives. The government set the architects a clear task, but they did not always submit without signs of frustration. A wonderful story about a past that, despite the depressing Bloki, is not reviled by everyone. The screening will be followed by a discussion with the director and invited guests. Presented with the contribution of Polish institute in Prague.
The movie will be screened in Landmark CineClub in Polish language with English and Azerbaijani subtitles.
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Screening of "Bloki" and Debate with Movie Director (Poland)