“To Be a Woman” International Festival
The Museum of Modern Art Baku hosts an important and diverse collection of the Azerbaijani Modern Art, and as it was characteristic to the modern art, the subject matter of a woman is employed to project and depict different concerns of the times, to create myths and archetypes. The female is always a passive object for marvelling and delighting in.
The permanent collection is superimposed with the solo shows by international contemporary artists that act as interventions in this traditional venue. These artists contemplate on the question of what it means to be a woman and by doing so, give voice to the female and empower her by dictating the narrative from the female perspective. These interventions that are both in dialogue and opposition to the permanent collection of the museum, are created employing minimal artistic gestures and hence, stimulates to contemplate on some of the most profound questions in the contemporary art.
Tatyana Fyodorova (Moldova)
“Bouillon Group” (Georgia)
Xenia Fink (Germany)
Barbara Sturm (Austria)
Hamed Sahihi, Samira Eskandarfar (Iran)
Yesim Agaoglu (Turkey)
Victor Ben Tzvi (Israel)
Zeigam Azizov (UK)
Venue: Museum of Modern Art
Dates: 19.09.- 16.10.2019
Working Hours: 11:00 am – 8:00 pm
Tuesday – Sunday / Mondays Closed
Standard Admission Fee: 5 AZN, Student Admission Fee: 2 AZN
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To Be a Woman